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A woman is serving strawberry cake to some children sitting at an outside table. Some of the kids have Midsummer flower wreaths in their hair.
Midsummer Celebration
Midsummers is one of Sweden’s most beloved holidays and ever since pagan times Swedes have celebrated the longest day of the year, around the time of the summer solstice. Since the 1950s we have, for practical reasons, celebrated Midsummer on Midsummer Eve, which is always on a Friday between June 19 and June 25.
Photo credit: Lena Granefelt/

4 sweet treats you must try

Swedes are known for having a sweet tooth and the 'fika' culture has given the country an incredibly high patisserie standard. World-famous pastries like the cinnamon bun and the Swedish 'semla' even have their own day. Already tasted them? Here are four more sweet treats to try when visiting Sweden.

Two cakes with whipped cream and strawberries.
Strawberry cake
Traditonal Swedish strawberry cake is a typical summer cake and consists of fresh strawberries, jam, sponge cake and whipped cream.
Photo: Alexander Hall/

Strawberry cake ('Jordgubbstårta')

If you want to know what Swedish summer tastes like, look no further than Swedish strawberry cake. For many Swedes, this cake is essential to midsummer and birthday celebrations. An authentic Swedish strawberry cake is as simple as it is spectacular. It is essentially a regular sponge cake filled with vanilla cream on the first layer, strawberry jam on the second and then smothered in whipped cream and strawberries. Once finished, the strawberry cake is a sight to behold in all its red and white glory – colourful, decadent, and absolutely mouth-wateringly delicious. 

Follow this recipe to bake a classic strawberry cake – it's easier than you might think.

Princess cake
Princess cake
The Princess cake is one of the most popular cakes in Sweden. It’s made out of cake layers, whipped cream, vanilla cream and green marzipan with icing sugar on top.
Photo: Jakob Fridholm/

Princess cake ('Prinsesstårta')

When it comes to birthday traditions, the Swedes are divided. While some prefer strawberry cake, others will say the only way to celebrate a birthday is with a princess cake. Princess cake is essentially a layered sponge cake filled with custard, cream and raspberry jam but what makes it truly remarkable is that it is draped with a bright green layer of marzipan. A feast for the eyes as well as the taste buds!

With this Princess cake recipe you can host a 'fika' worthy of a royal.

A piece has been carved out of a chocolate cake topped with chopped nuts.
Swedish 'kladdkaka'
A traditional 'kladdkaka' is a Swedish take on mud cake or brownies. It's a delicious, rich chocolate cake which is easy to bake and can be found in most Swedish cafés.
Photo: Magnus Carlsson/

Sticky chocolate cake ('Kladdkaka')

Literally translated as sticky cake, or even messy or smudgy cake, the 'kladdkaka' tastes much better than it sounds. This dense, sticky chocolate mud cake is like a Swedish version of a brownie. It gets its soft, gooey centre from not being baked all the way through, which is also what makes it so uncommonly tasty. Serve with whipped cream and raspberries and don’t be shy about going back for seconds. 

The 'kladdkaka' can be found in cafés and grocery store freezers. You can also bake your own Sticky chocolate cake.

A Swedish 'fika' with a variety sweets. Fika is however much more than having a coffee and a bite to eat - it is an important social event, where you get the opportunity to recharge and share a moment with friends, or just yourself.
Photo: Tina Stafrén/

Napoleon cake ('Napoleonbakelse')

Named after Napoleon Bonaparte, it will come as no surprise that this classic Swedish pastry is based on a French recipe. It is essentially no different to a French mille-feuille vanilla slice, or a British custard slice, in the sense that it is full of cream and custard and smothered in fresh strawberries or strawberry jam.

What is different, however, is the Napoleon pastry has been awarded its very own day in the Swedish calendar, 17 November.