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10 reasons to visit Stockholm’s archipelago off-season

Stockholm’s sprawling archipelago is known as a summer paradise for visitors. But it’s equally magnetic off-season, when long forest walks, cosy moments by the fireplace and winter swimming are high on the agenda. Here’s why you should go.

Trouville beach on the island of Sandön, Stockholm
Trouville beach on the island of Sandön, Stockholm
The beautiful Trouville beach on the island of Sandön is a popular spot to visit in the summer, but it's equally beautiful in autumn - just with less people around.
Photo: Anna Hållams

It’s peaceful and genuine

When the summer crowds depart, the archipelago returns to its natural state. Around 200 of the 30,000 islands have permanents residents, but they’re not very many – which means that it’s peaceful and quiet. There’s plenty of opportunities to roam around and experience life on the islands. Read more at Visit Stockholm.

Walking in Sandhamn, Stockholm
Walking in Sandhamn, Stockholm
Exploring the tranquil nature of Sandhamn off-season.
Photo: Henrik Trygg/

The scenery will knock your socks off

Autumn, winter and spring – all the off-season seasons have their own charm. Enjoy the beauty of September when the leaves shine in yellow, red and orange, the magic of winter when white snow and frost cover the islands and the sea freezes over (some years, see point seven further down on this page), or welcome spring and see how nature comes to life again. On many islands, you may also run into wild animals on your walks. There are deer, foxes, rabbits and badgers on many islands, and if you keep your eyes peeled, you may also see sea eagles and seals. Read more at Stockholm Archipelago.

Sauna bath and swim in Stockholm's archipelago
Sauna bath and swim in Stockholm's archipelago
A refreshing swim during a sauna session in the archipelago of Stockholm.
Photo: Anna Hållams

You can take a winter plunge

There’s something about winter swimming that makes you feel re-born. It may seem daunting for first-timers, but we assure you, you’ll thank us later. Especially if there’s a sauna at hand. The Stockholm archipelago offers several great opportunities for winter swimming. Abborrvass Bad is a lovely traditional sauna by the water you can rent on the island of Svartsö, while Sandshamns Seglarhotell has floating saunas, from which you can jump directly into the water. Both islands are located a couple of hours from the city by ferry. (Remember to always be safe: if you have a heart condition, don’t attempt winter swimming.) If you want to swim outdoors but prefer a heated pool, try Marholmen hotel in Roslagen. The bus trip to the island takes 90 minutes; start by taking bus 676 from Östra Station to Norrtälje and from there, 632 to Marholmens vägskäl.

Seafood dinner in Sandhamn, in Stockholm archipelago
Seafood dinner in Sandhamn, in Stockholm archipelago
A seafood soup served on an archipelago island in Stockholm.
Photo: Anna Hållams

It’s cosy

Swedes are masters of making the most of the darker time of the year. Who cares that the sun sets early when you can light up the dark with roaring fires, candles and twinkling lights. And never mind the cold when you can curl up under a blanket with a nice book and sip a warm drink or gather your near and dear for a long overdue dinner. Some restaurants in the archipelago are open all year around. Sandhamns Värdshus welcomes diners every day all year around, and Möja Värdshus opens its doors on winter weekends. Both are located in the mid-archipelago a few hours’ ferry trip from downtown Stockholm and serve hearty Swedish food.

Swedish Christmas buffet
Swedish Christmas buffet
The buffet-style smorgasbord ('julbord') is a medley of Swedish Christmas food and is served on Christmas Eve, the main day for celebrating Christmas in Sweden.
Photo: Carolina Romare/

It’s heaven for Christmas lovers

Many islands like Utö and Sandhamn have their own Christmas markets, filled with little red huts where local entrepreneurs sell crafts and delicacies from the archipelago – perfect gifts to take home. Strolling around with a cup of warm glögg and a gingerbread cookie in your hand is guaranteed to get you in the mood for the holidays. Some local restaurants, such as Utö Värdshus, a 2,5 hour trip through the southern archipelago, and Fjäderholmarnas Krog, only 30-minutes from central Stockholm by boat, also open for the Christmas season, offering a traditional Swedish Christmas dinner. If you’re lucky, it might even snow.

Breakfast at Missionshuset in Sandhamn, Stockholm
Breakfast at Missionshuset in Sandhamn, Stockholm
Charge up with breakfast at Missionshuset B&B in Sandhamn, before exploring what the island has to offer.
Photo: Anna Hållams

It’s less crowded

Booking a nice hotel room in the archipelago in the summer might be a challenge due to the crowds – but off-season there’s less demand. Still, many wonderful hotels and B&Bs keep their doors open and also serve food. Try, for instance Svartsö Skärgårdshotell & vandrarhem, a simple but pleasant hotel, or Missionshuset, a B&B housed in an old church on Sandhamn. Or go for a different kind of archipelago experience at Siggesta Gård, a functioning farm with elegantly renovated rooms on Värmdö, 50 minutes from the city by bus 437 or 439 from Slussen. For travel information, visit

Getting to Stockholm archipelago
Getting to Stockholm archipelago
Stepping off the boat in the archipelago of Stockholm. There are many boats departing from the city, taking you to various islands in the archipelago.
Photo: Anna Hållams

You can take a cruise in the icy sea (sometimes)

On clear winter days, when snow covers Stockholm, many locals think that the capital is at its prettiest. Those days are perfect for a winter cruise around Fjäderholmarna, Stockholm’s closest islands about 30 minutes from Nybrokajen. Hop on the boat and enjoy the wintry views along the city’s quays. If you want to sit outdoors on the deck, there are blankets and warm drinks on offer. With any luck, the sea has frozen over and you’ll get to see how the ferry breaks the ice.

Cross-country skiing
Cross-country skiing
Cross-country skiing is a much appreciated pastime in Sweden. The reason ranges from fun to Olympic dreams, and sometimes realisations of Olympic dreams.
Photo: Helena Wahlman/

You can go cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing is such an enjoyable way of being in nature, and it suits everyone regardless of age. Pack a rugsack with sandwiches, water and something warm to drink and head outside. For instance, Nacka golf club’s course in the Velamsund nature reserve, 20 minutes from the city, turns into a lovely ski trail on snowy winters, with trails between 3,4–12,5 kilometres. To get there, you take bus 474 from Slussen towards Hemmesta, change to bus 424H in Gustavsberg and get off at Nilstorpsvägen. Hemmestaspåret on Värmdö island is another nice spot for skiing, offering trails between 2,5–7,5 kilometres in a pretty forest. Bus 439 from Slussen will take you there in an hour; get off at Kolvik. 

Ask your hotel or a local for tips to find the best trails near your destination, and don’t forget warm clothing. If you don’t want to bring or buy your own equipment, you can lend a package from Fritidsbanken.

Arrival in Sandhamn, Stockholm
Arrival in Sandhamn, Stockholm
Exploring Sandhamn off-season. Sandhamn is located on the island Sandön, in the archipelago of Stockholm, and is a beautiful place to visit all year around.
Photo: Henrik Trygg/

It’s cheaper

Many hotels charge less for the rooms off-season and offer attractive packages with accommodation and food included. 

Sandhamn Seglarhotell in the archipelago of Stockholm
Sandhamn Seglarhotell in the archipelago of Stockholm
Stay comfortable at Sandhamn Seglarhotell on the islands of Sandön, located only a couple of hours away from Stockholm city.
Photo: Anna Hållams

It’s easier to meet the locals

Looking to learn about life on the islands from the experts themselves, those living here all year around? During the summer season people are often busy taking care of their restaurants, kiosks and stores, but off-season, the pace is much slower, and they’ll have more time to chat.

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