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A family by a lake in Bohuslän. The man is preparing his gear. A woman watches a child run away with carabiners in his or her hand.
A family preparing a climb
Rock climbing is called an extreme sport but needs not be. Even young members of a family can give it a go. One of the best spots for climbing in Sweden is on the west coast, in the province of Bohuslän.
Photo credit: Simon Paulin/

Travelling with kids in Sweden

Sweden holds a fascination for children because of its giant forests and thousands of lakes and stories of the Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun.

If you visit Swedish Lapland you and the family can experience both of these fantastic natural phenomena. At different times of the year, of course.

Sweden also has some of Europe’s very best family-friendly ski resorts in the Swedish mountains. Still in Sweden’s great outdoors, how about exploring the West Coast by kayak? Or timber-rafting down Sweden’s biggest river, through the giant forests of Värmland province in the west of the country. Or a horse-riding holiday on the Baltic island of Gotland? Or take a day off and discover some of Sweden’s castle, palaces or Viking settlements.

In and around Sweden’s big three cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö there are many exciting theme parks, zoos and museums to keep the kids busy and interested.