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Limestone monoliths
Limestone monoliths
Enjoying the sea view from a beach at Digerhuvud on the island of Gotland. The island is known for its dramatic nature, with limestone monoliths scattered along the coast, and its rich history.
Photo credit: Lucas Günther/

Fårö – Ingmar Bergman's favourite island

Fårö is a Baltic sea island northeast of Gotland, Sweden’s largest island. Once you cross the strait between the islands, you will notice how Fårö's nature differs from the Swedish mainland. The sand is finer and the landscape more barren, with tall sea stacks.

Things to see and do on Fårö

Fårö is reachable by a six-minute ferry ride from Gotland and is ideal for a day trip or a few nights' stay.

Discover Fårö Museum

For a bit of culture and history, start with a visit to Fårö Museum where you will learn more about the island's history, which spans over 4.000 years. The museum will introduce you to the first settlers of the island, as well as to the Viking and medieval times of Gotland.

Visit Bergman Center

Naturally located on Fårö is the Bergman Center, a cultural centre dedicated to the world-renowned and legendary Swedish film director and writer Ingmar Bergman, who lived and worked on the island for over 40 years. The centre offers seminars, films, shows and tours like the "big Bergman safari" and every year in week 26, they arrange The Bergman Week.

Take a swim at Sudersand beach

A must on your Fårö holiday should be a visit to Sudersand Beach – probably one of the best beaches in Gotland. Its soft, powdery sand and shallow waters make it a perfect beach for families with kids.

Psst... Visit our Gotland destination page for more travel tips.

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Ingmar Bergman's house

This house on the island of Fårö, north of Gotland, became filmmaker Ingmar Bergman's home in the 1960's. Today it is a museum in his memory.

Photo: Simon Paulin/

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Ingmar Bergman's house, a one-storey building with many windows and blue shutters. It sits in a country setting.

Ingmar Bergman's house

Photo: Simon Paulin/

The Bergman Center

The Bergman Center

Photo: Jerker Andersson/

Fårö Museum

Fårö Museum

Photo: Jerker Andersson/

A long beach during a sunny summer day.

Sudersand beach, Fårö

Photo: Sofia Cassis/Region Gotland

Top 3 sea stack fields on Fårö

Make sure to wear comfortable shoes like trainers while walking around the sea stack fields.


Langhammar's sea stack field is a beautiful landscape, full of 'raukar' – limestone sea stacks in Swedish – towering against the sea. Some gorges are more than eight metres high. This is where you'll find the face-shaped sea stack known as 'Langhammarsgubben'.


Digerhuvud is Sweden's largest sea stack field and a nature reserve. A paved road snakes through the area, dotted with hundreds of 'raukar' both on land and in the sea.

Gamle Hamn

Gamle Hamn, the old harbour, is also a nature reserve with remains from the Viking age. This sea stack field is home to the most famous 'rauk' on the island – 'Kaffepannan' – shaped like a dog.

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Digerhuvud on Fårö

Friends walking along the sea stacks on Fårö, an island northeast of Gotland.

Photo: Tina Axelsson/

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Digerhuvud on Fårö

Digerhuvud on Fårö

Photo: Tina Axelsson/



Photo: Jerker Andersson/

Limestone formations in the ocean during twilight.

'Kaffepannan' on Fårö

Photo: Jerker Andersson/

Food and drink on Fårö

Need to refuel? Remember to check the opening times for cafés and restaurants if you visit the island during off-peak season.

Crêperie Tati and Kutens Bensin

At this old gasoline station, among old vehicles, rusty refrigerators and oil barrels, you can sit down and enjoy delicious and generous portions of crispy crêpes and savoury galettes. These delicious treats are served with healthy fillings and sides, such as organically-grown vegetables sourced from the local farmer. The motto of Crêperie Tati is "fuel for the soul".

Sylvis döttrar

Bakery and café run by two sisters, Sylvi's daughters. Enjoy a set of seven types of cookies or a juicy cinnamon bun in the lush backyard, or grab a 'fika' to go with your visit to any of the nearby beaches or sea stack fields.

Summer night concerts and local food at Stora Gåsemora

Since 2011 multiple Swedish artists have performed in Gotland's most beautiful venue, an old barn at the farm Stora Gåsemora. A visit to the restaurant is also recommended. The menu at Gåsemora Gårdskrog is focusing on local produce and caters to both omnivores and vegetarians.

Heading back to Visby after your Fårö visit? Don't miss our Visby destination page.

Practial information before your trip to Fårö

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Fårö-Olle’s cottage at Stora Gåsemora

Fårö-Olle’s cottage "Fårö-Olles stuga" is a secluded cottage on the moor at Stora Gåsemora farm on Fårö, Gotland.

Photo: Harriet Cederqvist

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A small wooden cottage on the moor. A meadow in front of the house and some bushes and trees next to it.

Fårö-Olle’s cottage at Stora Gåsemora

Photo: Harriet Cederqvist

Stora Gåsemora on Fårö, Gotland

Stora Gåsemora on Fårö, Gotland

Photo: Stora Gåsemora Gård

An old rusty car with sirens on the roof in front of an old gasoline station.

Kutens Bensin, Fårö

Photo: Kutens Bensin/Region Gotland

A woman and a man are biking on a gravel path along the coast of Fårö Island.

Bicycling on Fårö

Photo: Michael Jönsson/Folio/